Workflow Management
Improve data accuracy and reduce errors with workflow management
Project changes often affect other teams and departments, and they can easily increase in complexity and cost. Depending on the project change requested, it could impact additional worksites, stakeholders, and require numerous approvals and sign-offs. Having a change management workflow with pre-defined reviewers and approvers is table stakes when managing complex megaprojects.
Contruent Enterprise helps organizations increase their project management maturity level by moving from manual paper or email processes to automated change management processes.
Solution capabilities
Increase project management maturity portfolio-wide
Greatly reduce redundant and manual processes
Streamline & automate change management
- Eliminate the need for wet signatures, couriers, printers, and unnecessary meetings
- Increase transparency with automated change order status updates
- Create and manage workflows around trends, change orders, change requests, and monetary authority levels
- Automatically submit, track and approve changes at the click of a button
- Speed up the approval process by notifying managers of change approvals via email

Contruent’s change management features, with automated change management workflow, enabled Crossrail to overcome the manual process of change control, improved data accuracy, and reduced re-work and errors. Project changes are now automatically submitted, tracked, and approved at the click of a button. This change approval workflow has significantly sped up the approval process since managers are alerted to approve each change via email.
Changing the face of London by successfully managing change on Crossrail
Learn how Crossrail Ltd, a 73-mile high frequency, high capacity railway in London, increased confidence in data and created a dependable audit trail for all project changes by implementing Contruent Enterprise. Crossrail needed to manage up to 1,000 project changes per period and the team was dispersed throughout multiple offices in London. With Contruent, they were able to automate the approval process, improve data accuracy through one source of truth and produce executive reports just five days after month end.