Cost & Carbon
Cost & Carbon in-a-box for
Construction Projects
View this datasheet to learn more about the Contruent Cost & Carbon estimating and tracking tool. Estimating and tracking the carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of your construction and capital projects is now as easy as estimating and tracking your project cost data. Contruent Enterprise enables project organizations to automate and simplify the estimation, management, and reporting of their GHG and energy usage data.

Why Contruent
Cost & Carbon in-a-box?
Contruent is leading the way in project cost and carbon estimation and tracking. The carbon emissions of projects and programs can be estimated and measured, and thereby improved and delivered upon, with Contruent cost & carbon in-a-box. Building and infrastructure projects account for 38% of total global emissions. We understand that organizations need to make decarbonization efforts for capital and infrastructure projects delivery.
Cost & Carbon Tracking with Contruent
EPCs and project organizations cannot improve upon what is not being tracked and measured, so we worked to align with government agency standards, regulations, and best practices to help. Companies are already tracking and managing project costs, there is no reason for projects to not be estimating and tracking GHGs and carbon emissions in the same solution.
With Contruent Enterprise, project organizations are enabled to mitigate carbon impacts and the budgetary costs associated with carbon avoidance. By providing a single place where users can trade off cost and carbon, project managers can maximize the likelihood of both project management and project sustainability succeeding.

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Benefits of Estimating
& Tracking Project
Cost & Carbon
- Compliance with carbon emission mandates & reporting regulations
- Improve organization’s competitive advantage
- Increase productivity and reduce project costs using one platform
- Attract employees and investors; and please shareholders
- Reduce waste and assist in tracking other sustainability initiatives
- Hold project vendors/third party contractors accountable for carbon
- Built-in carbon rates aligned with BCIS and CESMM4